Sunday, November 07, 2010

Favorite night of the week

Saturday nights have morphed from being just sleepover night to movie, popcorn and then sleepover night. All five of us look forward to this night and even Nugget can sit through about 20 minutes of the movies (anything to act like his big bros.). The movies we watch have slowly been creeping up the rating scale into PG and last night's showing was "Night at the Museum." I'm more amused by the boys fits of laughter over physical, slapstick type humor than by the movie usually. I try not to dwell on the fact that these moments and stages go by way too quickly and enjoy the moment.....BUT, every Saturday night I can't help but think someday Saturday night will probably take on a new title for our boys that doesn't include their parents. Where I grew up Saturday night was "date night." Lord help us.
Speaking of growing up too quickly and on another subject, I sure wasn't prepared for the word Luc came home from school asking about yesterday. After a few seconds of stuttering, and A LOT of explaining (Luc never stops with one question), I hope he mostly came away knowing he can ask me anything. Again, Lord help us.

1 comment:

Dena said...

Now you need to share what Luc was talking about...