Sunday, July 03, 2011

Fantabulous start to summer

What could be a better way to start summer vacation than with visitors? My cousin Debbie and her family flew in July 20th and left today. We could not have had a better time. The boys are lost today without their playmate and sleepover buddy, Liz. Our house seems sad and empty as it always does after guests leave. Here's a slideshow with some pictures of adventures over the past two weeks. Lots of sightseeing, great food, and they also fit in some overnight trips to the Great Wall and Xian.

A trip to Fundazzle for the kids - biggest ball pit we've ever seen. We tried to mix it up with sightseeing and kid's activities. They were all pretty good little sightseers though.

Acrobat show - the kids hadn't quite warmed up to each other yet
Toy Market
Kung Fu show
The Bird's Nest

Dominic says, "Seriously, what's up with me not being the focus of the picture & where's the peace sign?" Silly Americans!
The Water Cube

Inside the Water Cube. Half of the Cube was left the same as when the Olympics were here and half is now a water park.

Temple of Heaven - can't believe all three are smiling and looking at the camera
Now this is how a photo is taken in China...Liz and her peeps.

1 comment:

Stacie Sliman said...

It is so cool for you to keep your family and friends updated on your life, as you have travel the world!

You have a Beautiful family and I'm so proud of your commitment to life and your family

I think of you often, and pray for your safety and well being

Blessings to you all!