Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Grandma Marin would be ashamed of me

But, what the hell do I do with this?

I grew up going out to my Grandparent's farm on slaughter day and getting the bejeezus scared out of me when chickens with their heads half cut off chased my sister and I around. I know where chicken meat comes from. I'm now accustomed to plucked, cleaned, beheaded, defooted, plump (don't lecture me on where this plumpness comes from) chickies that can feed my family. I've been craving roasted chicken, but have been leery about the poultry counter. Today I decided to give it a go. I thought I picked out a headless critter, but when I opened it and held it up, let's just say it took me 15 minutes to calm poor Dominic who was sitting on the counter "helping" me.

Another funny thing about tonight's meal prep is that I'm used to cooking one chicken for our whole family. Look at that scrawny thing....I should have bought four! Someone at Kenny's workplace told him that the Chinese people don't like the white meat, but prefer dark. They said that the chicken breast would be some of the cheaper meat at the poultry counter. My Ayi confirmed this saying the white meat dries out too much in Chinese cooking. I don't know if they do something to discourage the breast from bulking up, or this is just the type of bird I happened to buy, but there seems to be NADA for breast meat. Look at all the loose skin and teepee shaped chest.

I'm nothing if not adventurous, so I'm going to cook 'er up and have Dominos on speed dial. I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

Dena said...

OH MY!!! That is another reason we don't eat our own chickens! I can't believe you actually cooked this! What did you do with the head?? Can't wait to here how it was!:-)