Friday, July 02, 2010

What a strange kawinkydink

After we got back from Tibet I decided to check into movies that had been made about the history of Tibet. I've watched "Seven Years in Tibet" (OK, but I thought Brad Pitt was terrible) and "Kundun" (more interesting, but kind of long). Both movies are banned here in China and "Kundun" got Martin Scorsese and Harrison Ford lifetime bans on entering the unforgiving PRC. The best part of both movies was the scenery which looked exactly like what we saw when we were there even though neither were filmed in Tibet.

This afternoon I put on a Scooby-Doo movie for the boys called "Chill Out Scooby-Doo" and where was it set? Tibet! I was busy fixing dinner, not really paying attention when I heard something about the Dalai Lama. A few seconds later Jack said, "They're drinking yak butter tea." How apropos and kawinkydinky!

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