Monday, July 26, 2010

The new grocery getter

Our new mini-I've-given-up-all-hope-of-looking-cool-van (actually that door probably slammed a few birthdays back) was delivered this week. It's fully loaded and there are some cool features, but I still don't get the appeal. This is one "never" I'm confident I won't be eating in the future. Anyway, you'd think our driver was just assigned to ferry us around in a Maserati. He's like a 16-year-old with a new car. Every day when I open the front door he's out there dusting, polishing, wiping down a Buick minivan. What's even funnier is that he can't figure out any of the features. He points to things like the DVD player/screens or back seat controls and says, "no work." After a day of him punching buttons (thus eyes not on the road) I mimed to him "book" and he handed me the manual. Unfortunately it was all in Chinese. I figured I'd go through it though because there are usually pictures and using said pictures I was able to figure out the DVD, navigation, back seat air-con, CD, etc. Mr. Sun thought I was a genius and I was like, "dude (I thought the word "dude" because it goes along with my too young and hip for a minivan persona), you have the manual, pictures AND can read Chinese. Help me out here." I'm thinking I may have to disable the back up camera. He just gets a little too giddy when it comes on and can't figure out where he should be watching. He really is a great driver in a sea of horrible drivers, but the newness is very exciting to him.

To go with the new car we've adopted new nicknames. These are the names that our driver calls us. Kenny is now "Sir" and I am "Baby Mama" and conversations around our house sound something like this....
"Sir get your ass in here and put the toilet lid down!"
"The correct position of the lid is up in a house with four boys Baby Mama."

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